perjantai 26. elokuuta 2011

Salamanders are big!!

The Chinese giant salamander

The Chinese giant salamander is the largest salamander in the world. It can grow to 180 cm of lenght (6ft), though nowadays they rarely reach that size. The salmander is considered as critically endangered, and is endemic to rocky mountain streams and lakes in China. The population of the giant salamander is estimated to have declined 80 percent during three generations due to pollution, loss of habitat and over collecting.

Salamanders are classified as amphibians, the same class as frogs. The chines giant has a large head small eyes and dark wrinkly skin. It doesn't have gills so under water it breathes trough its skin. It feeds on insects, frogs, and fish. Because of its poor eye sights it depends on nodes that run in a line on the creatures body, from head to toe. With these nodes they can sense the slightest movement around them.

Female salamanders can lay up to 500 eggs in an uderwater breeding cavity, which the male guards until they hatch.


1 kommentti:

  1. Haha, this one looks scary!
    It's sad that animals such as this are decreasing. Interesting facts, a little more information and it would be complete.
